Answered By: Last Updated: May 22, 2020 Views: 5896
When Barack Obama first entered Occidental College in 1979, he lived in the Haines Hall dorm (we’ve confirmed this with the Occidental College librarian over the phone). It’s probable that he moved off campus to Pasadena at some point before he transferred to Columbia University in 1981. There was nobody named “Obama” listed in the 1979 and 1980 phone books. However, a “B. Obama” was listed as living at 253 E Glenarm in the Jan. 1981 issue of the Los Angeles—Northeastern Area phone book and the name disappeared in the December 1981 issue. So we can therefore assume that “B. Obama” moved into the Glenarm address sometime after the beginning of 1980, and moved out before the end of 1981.
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Comments (3)
comment: I met and took a photo with then Senator Barack Obama the summer of 2006 in Washington D.C. L'Enfant Plaza. He was arriving to deliver the luncheon keynote address at the annual conference of the National Coalition of Homeless Veterans. He consented when I asked if he would take a photo with me. He was most gracious. I intoduced myself and told him that I was from Pasadena. He responded with a smile and said "Oh, I used to live in Pasadena." I was so stunned -- not knowing at the time that he had attended Oxy --and thinking it rude to inquire as to where specifically, that I did not ask. Thus, for what it's worth,I can confirm he did at one point live in Pasadena, but I cannot confirm it was at 253 E. Glenarm. Who knew. The photo is one of my most treasured ann marie hickambottom on Jul 30, 2014
There's a commemorative plaque in the sidewalk outside the Glenarm apartment, confirming that was his off-campus residence at this time in his Rachel V. on May 22, 2020
How could he afford not to work and attend college?by Insurance salesman on Feb 19, 2022