We are responding to phone calls; you may have to leave a voicemail, as staffing in the closed buildings is limited. We will return your call. There are additional ways to contact us, and here is more info about how and when you can reach staff:
- Telephone: (626) 744-4066, option 7: If staff are unable to respond, please leave a voicemail. We will return your call. You can call any library location, and staff may be available to answer, or will return your call if you leave a voicemail.
- Ask Us! (email) request: Submit a form anytime with your question and staff will respond via email during business hours
- Live Chat: (Mon-Sat, 10 am-5 pm) If you go to chat outside our available hours, you will be able to submit your question and we will respond via email during business hours (Mon-Fri 9 am-5:30 pm)