I see a location of "Off-site storage" in the catalog for some materials. What does that mean?


"Off-site storage" is an alternative location for materials in the Central Library collection; these items have been re-located in order to make them available to our users. You can place holds and request pickup of these items at the branch library you prefer. Materials at Central Library are currently being transferred to off-site storage, which will make them available for checkout. Materials already transferred are visible in the catalog with a location of "Off-Site Storage," and holds can be placed for pickup at a branch library.

Reference (non-circulating) materials are also being transferred to Off-site storage and will, upon request, be available to use inside a branch Library building.

For more information and updates, visit our Central Library Earthquake Retrofit and Building Repairs Project page.


  • Last Updated Aug 17, 2023
  • Views 653
  • Answered By Shauna

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